Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Change Material Glow with Proximity Trigger

An example flowgraph for Pat from his discussion post http://groups.google.com.au/group/benv2423-2010/browse_thread/thread/5935986e4437fc7e# and blog post http://patrickmarsdenbenv2423.blogspot.com/2010/11/problems-driving-me-insane.html

I am assuming what you are after is to change to glow of an object when you are inside a proximity trigger.
Your Entity:MaterialParam node should be of the entity you want to change.
It needs to be an entity and not a brush as you can't interact with brushes in flowgraph.
You need some way of determining whether the player is inside or outside.
My example outputs a true or false for whether you are inside.
You could do it each time you enter and each time you leave just as easily.
You then need some way of setting the glow value. Again many ways you can do this. Math:SetNumber is usually a safe bet.

Hopefully I didn't miss the point of your flowgraph. If what mine is doing isn't what you were trying to do, let me know

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flowgraphs from Lecture

Here are the 2 flowgraphs from the lecture a few weeks back in better res so you can read them

Monday, August 2, 2010

Blog Links

Hi all,
If your name appears on my class list can you comment below and add your blog address.